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Keiji Okihara (敬二  沖原)

A Lean Business Startup
New Hot
Course Material - This course aims to help you think clearly about how to approach new markets and new business models. What questions do you need answers for, and how can you get those answers? A huge fan of the focus on 'Getting it out of the way', those answers are found by meeting with customers and prospects to help test your hypotheses...
JPY ¥240,000
Course Material - This course gives you an insight on three different types of personalities: Givers, Takers and Matchers. The course focuses to help clarify and identify who to work with, and who to potentially avoid. With a simple and light setting, this course will set off your weekends in a blast...
JPY ¥340,000
Course Material - Primed Leaderships focuses on the power of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in leading teams and creating success. This book gives readers the insights to inspire and empower his teams and people around him. Keiji Okihara gives examples of how the power of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) have led him to where he is today...
JPY ¥7,500
Psychological Power Of Persuasion
New -16 %
Course Material - As a practitioner of NLP, I often seek out books that provide method and strategy in the realm of influence and persuasion. This course is packed with experience and paths to most efficiently execute my intention where it applies to business negotiations and relationships. The course format is also entertaining filled with interactive contents...
JPY ¥420,000 JPY ¥500,000
Course Material - Although it's not a traditional business book, it tells a story of perseverance and self-confidence, which are crucial attributes for any business development professional. To provide a quote from the book that exemplifies one of the overarching tenets of the story, "Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough."..
JPY ¥3,500
Showing 1 to 5 of 6 (2 Pages)
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